Are extreme sports worth the risk?

You may think “what’s the point in doing such dangerous sports, that’s just stupid”. Now I understand where this may be coming from, but perhaps there’s a more under lying reason.

After doing extreme sports for years now I have got to know the ins and outs of why people do these sports and have experienced the benefits.

So, what’s the benefit?

Doing extreme sports have many benefits ranging from helping anxiety and depression, reducing stress, increasing dopamine, increasing confidence and many more. These are all really great things and are achieved by overcoming challenges that may be scary.

One huge aspect is the change in mentality, as the up most focus is required to break through mental barriers with 100% trust in yourself. This change in mindset can also be seen in everyday life with benefits such as being more centred, staying calm and coping well under high pressure situations. I have personally seen an increase in all these areas.

“But I can’t do these death defying stunts…”

That’s okay! No one starts straight away with these mind-blowing feats seen online. Most of us start off small and build up from there.

The athletes seen online are all very skilled, athletic, and have taken years to master their craft. However, most of them don’t do it for the risk or adrenaline rush, they do it because they feel self-aware and at peace when doing it. This means you can be any standard and still reap the rewards of doing extreme sports!

Is it worth the risk?

Well, the question you should be asking, is it worth risking missing out on all these benefits if I don’t do one of these sports? Something scary to you may not be scary to a more experienced athlete. You will be mind blown if you start now and retry the things you tried in a years’ time and notice the difference.

Fancy giving one a try?


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